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Cardio vs. Weight Training

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There is a lot of misconceptions when it comes to cardio and lifting weights.

Cardio is often associated with losing weight and weight training is often associated with gaining weight and putting mass on.

Well, throw those cliché thoughts and misconceptions out the window!

You can lose weight by weight training, yes no cardio at all!

Here’s how and why:

First of all there is the calorie burn after the workout is completed. Your metabolism can keep going for 36 hours after your workout has been completed. Weight training increases your calorie burning and that enables your fat burning capacity.

Second of all you are increasing your metabolism. You are going to want something that lasts for the long run. It is great to have something that lasts for 36 hours after your workout, but you will want a consistent plan to last the long run. Weight training enable you to build up lean muscle which essentially be your way to burn calories.

So cardio vs. weight training? Weight training will burn the fat you need to burn without doing cardio!

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